Period: July, 2022 – Aug, 2023
Claudio Ruggieri is a Professor of Structural Engineering and Fracture Mechanics at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil and principal investigator of the Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity Research Group (NAMEF) at USP. He received his Ph.D. from Osaka University in 1994 and was a research assistant and visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) from 1994-1997. He was a visiting researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) from 2014 to 2015 and at the University of Manchester (UK) supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2018. He is currently a visiting researcher at the Dept. of Ocean Engineering, at Texas A&M University. Prof. Ruggieri has published extensively in the areas of fracture mechanics and structural integrity contributing more than 75 papers in strongly refereed journals and more than 180 articles in national and international conferences. He has also received some research awards, most notably from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and is currently a Research Fellow with the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq 1A). Prof. Ruggieri is a member of various committees and editorial boards, including Committee E08 (Fracture and Fatigue) of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Editorial Advisory Board for Engineering Fracture Mechanics, the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) and the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences (ABCM).